Index Jataka Stories:
no. 511 - 547
translated for Pali into English by
H.T. Francis, W.H.D. Rouse
edited by
E. B. Cowell
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Jataka 511 - 520   

  • XVI. Tiṃsanipāto

  • J 511: Kiṁchanda-Jātaka. (Ayogharajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 496|J 511|J 511} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 511|atta. J 511} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A priest who took bribes and gave false judgments is reborn to a state of suffering all day, but because he had kept half a fast-day, he enjoys great glory throughout the night. His king, who had become an ascetic, is transported by a river-nymph to the mango grove where the priest was reborn and hears the story of his alternate misery and bliss.
  • J 512: Kumbha-Jātaka. (Kumbajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 010|J 512|J 512} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 512|atta. J 512} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: How a forester accidentally discovered strong drink and how this led to the ruin of all India, until Sakka appeared on earth and by his exposition of the evils of drink induced a certain king to abstain from its use.
  • J 513: Jayaddisa-Jātaka. (Jayaddisajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 020|J 513|J 513} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 513|atta. J 513} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A female yakkha carries off a royal infant and rears him as her own offspring, teaching him to eat human flesh. In course of time the man-eater captures his royal brother, but sets him free on the condition that he should return as soon as he had redeemed his promise to a brahmin. The king's son surrenders himself as a victim in his father's stead, and the man-eater, who is now recognised as the king's brother, is converted and becomes an ascetic.
  • J 514: Chaddanta-Jataka. (Chaddantajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 035|J 514|J 514} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 514|atta. J 514} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A royal elephant had two wives. One of them, owing to an imaginary slight, conceives a grudge against her lord, and afterwards, when she is reborn as the favourite wife of a certain king, she pretends to be sick, and to have seen in a dream an elephant with six tusks; and in order to recover from her sickness, she declares the possession of its tusks must be secured for her. A bold hunter, after crossing vast mountain ranges and encountering many difficulties and dangers, at length finds and slays the elephant, but the queen on receiving the tusks and hearing of the elephant's death is filled with remorse and dies of a broken heart.
  • J 515: Sambhava-Jātaka. (Sambhavajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 056|J 515|J 515} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 515|atta. J 515} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A king, anxious for a definition of goodness and truth, sends his brahmin chaplain to consult all the sages of India, and finally obtains the solution of his doubts from a boy only seven years old.
  • J 516: Mahākapi-Jātaka. (Māhākapijātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 066|J 516|J 516} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 516|atta. J 516} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A husbandman, in looking for his strayed oxen, loses himself in a forest, and falling into a deep pit is rescued by a monkey. The man makes an attempt upon the life of his benefactor, and for his ingratitude is smitten with leprosy.
  • J 517: Dakarakkhasa-Jātaka. (Dakarakkhasapañho) {Sutta: J v 075|J 517|J 517} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 517|atta. J 517} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: 0
  • J 518: Paṇḍara-Jātaka. (Paṇḍarakajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 077|J 518|J 518} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 518|atta. J 518} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: An ascetic worms out from a snake-king the secret wherein his strength lies and betrays him to his enemy, the garuḍa-king. The garuḍa by means of this secret vanquishes the snake, but through pity sets him free. The snake invokes a curse on the ascetic, who is swallowed up by the earth to be reborn in hell.
  • J 519: Sambula-Jātaka. (Sambulājātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 089|J 519|J 519} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 519|atta. J 519} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A prince is struck with leprosy and retires into a lonely forest, accompanied by his devoted wife, who carefully watches over him. She is rescued by Sakka from an ogre, and though she is suspected by her husband, yet by her virtue and faith she recovers him of his leprosy. He returns to rule over his kingdom but shows no gratitude to his wife, until at the reproof of his father he asks her forgiveness and restores her to her rightful position.
  • J 520: Gaṇḍatindu-Jātaka. (Gandhatindukajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 098|J 520|J 520} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 520|atta. J 520} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: An unrighteous king is reproved by a tree-sprite, and, as he travels with his chaplain on a tour of inspection through his dominions, many instances of the evil effects of his unjust rule are brought to his notice. Thenceforth the king rules his kingdom righteously.

Jataka 521 - 525   

  • XVII. Cattālīsanipāto

  • J 521: Tesakuṇa-Jātaka. (Tesakuṇa jātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 107|J 521|J 521} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 521|atta. J 521} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A king finds a nest containing three eggs. When the young birds are hatched from them the king adopts them as his children. They all give him sound advice in the ruling of his kingdom and are promoted to high office in the state.
  • J 522: Sarabhaṅga-Jātaka. (Sarabhaṅgajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 124|J 522|J 522} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 522|atta. J 522} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: An archer displays wonderful feats of skill in shooting. He declines the honours offered him by his king and retires to a forest hermitage. Here he gathers around him a great company of disciples, solves the doubts of three kings as to the fate of certain notorious sinners, and converts them and a host of their followers to the ascetic life.
  • J 523: Alambusā-Jātaka. (Alamakhusājātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 151|J 523|J 523} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 523|atta. J 523} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: An ascetic by his great holiness excites the jealousy of Sakka, who sends down a heavenly nymph to seduce him. After a temporary lapse, the saint recovers his virtue and attains to a state of ecstasy.
  • J 524: Saṁkhapāla-Jātaka. (Saṅkhapālajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 161|J 524|J 524} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 524|atta. J 524} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: After a life of holiness a certain king is reborn in the Nāga world. Growing weary of his state of glory he returns as a snake to earth, and would have perished at the hands of a band of ruffians, had he not been rescued by a rich householder travelling that way with a large retinue. The Nāga king invites his benefactor to his heavenly mansion and keeps him there in great honour for a whole year, when he too wishes to leave the Nāga world, to become an ascetic upon earth. By a recital of all that had happened to him and the Nāga king, he converts the ruler of the land to a life of charity and good works.
  • J 525: Culla-Sutasoma-Jātaka. (Cullasutasomajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 176|J 525|J 525} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 525|atta. J 525} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A king is so affected by the discovery of a grey hair on his head that he resigns his crown and resolves to become an ascetic. In spite of the entreaties of his parents, wife, children, and friends, he persists in his resolution and together with his family and a great number of his subjects enters on the religious life.

Jataka 526 - 528   

  • XVIII. Paṇṇāsanipāto

  • J 526: Naḷinikā-Jātaka. (Nalinikājātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 191|J 526|J 526} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 526|atta. J 526} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: Sakka, jealous of a holy ascetic, appears to the king of the country and declares that the drought from which the land was suffering was due to the action of this ascetic, and that the only way to remedy this evil was to overcome his virtue. To this end the king's daughter visits him, disguised as an ascetic youth, and owing to his simplicity his fall is brought about. When his father returns, he cautions his son against the wiles of womankind and brings about his restoration to his former state of holiness.
  • J 527: Ummadantī-Jātaka. (Ummādanatījātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 207|J 527|J 527} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 527|atta. J 527} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A king is bewitched by the wife of his commander-in-chief. This officer by a ruse makes the king believe that his guilty secret is generally known, and by his wise counsel persuades him to give up his infatuation.
  • J 528: Mahābodhi-Jātaka. (Mahābodhijātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 232|J 528|J 528} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 528|atta. J 528} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: An ascetic finds favour with a king and is preferred to high honour, thereby exciting the envy of the king's councillors, who slander him to the king and lay a plot to kill him. He is saved by a warning from a dog. Afterwards the ascetic convicts the four wicked councillors of various heresies and brings about their disgrace and exile.

Jataka 529 - 530   

  • XIX. Saṭṭhinipāto

  • J 529: Sonaka-Jātaka. (Soṇakajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 243|J 529|J 529} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 529|atta. J 529} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A king after many years is anxious to see again a friend of his early youth who had become a paccekabuddha, and in the form of a song he offers a reward to anyone that can tell him where he is to be found. His friend teaches a little boy a refrain to the song which he is to sing before the king and to claim the promised reward. So the king finds his friend, and owing to his instruction he abdicates in favour of his son and adopts the religious life.
  • J 530: Saṁkicca-Jātaka. (Saṅkiccajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 260|J 530|J 530} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 530|atta. J 530} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A prince who was eager to succeed to the throne proposes to murder his father. His friend, unable to dissuade him from his purpose, retires from the court and becomes an ascetic. The prince after the murder of his father is filled with guilty fears. His friend at length returns and, after describing all the various hells and the punishments of notorious sinners, by his admonition restores the king's peace of mind.

Jataka 531 - 532   

  • XX. Sattatinipāto

  • J 531: Kusa-Jātaka. (Kusajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 276|J 531|J 531} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 531|atta. J 531} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A certain king has no heir, but at length, by the favour of Sakka, his chief queen miraculously gives birth to two sons. The elder is ill-favoured but supernaturally wise. He only consents to marry when a princess is found exactly like a golden image which he himself had fashioned. The bride is not to look upon her husband's face by daylight till she has conceived. When she accidentally discovers how ugly he is, she leaves him and returns to her father's kingdom. He follows her there and under a variety of menial disguises tries, but in vain, to win her affections. At length by Sakka's device she incurs the enmity of seven kings and is rescued from imminent death by her despised husband. He returns with her to his own country where they live happily ever after.
  • J 532: Sona-Nanda-Jātaka. (Soṇanandajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 311|J 532|J 532} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 532|atta. J 532} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: Two brahmin brothers become ascetics and watch over their aged parents. The younger one persists in supplying them with unripe fruits, and at length is sent away by the elder brother. The younger one by the help of a powerful king, whom he had made victorious over all his rivals, regains his brother's favour and is allowed once more to minister to his father and mother.

Jataka 533 - 537   

  • XXI. Asītinipāto

  • J 533: Cullahaṁsa-Jātaka. (Cullahaṃsajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 331|J 533|J 533} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 533|atta. J 533} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A king of wild geese is caught in a fowler's snare and deserted by all except his chief captain, who refuses to leave him. The fowler is so touched by this devotion that he would have released the captive bird, but they insist on being taken before the king of the country, and after preaching the Law to him the two birds are set at liberty and return home to their kith and kin.
  • J 534: Mahāhaṁsa-Jātaka. (Mahāhaṃsajātaṃ) {Sutta: J v 353|J 534|J 534} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 534|atta. J 534} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A queen has a dream about golden geese and entreats the king to bring her one. The king has a decoy lake constructed and his fowler at length captures the king of the geese. The rest of the story is like the Cullahaṁsa-Jātaka.
  • J 535: Sudhābhojana-Jātaka. (Sudhābhojanajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 382|J 535|J 535} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 535|atta. J 535} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A rich miser is seized with a great longing to have some rice porridge, and to escape having to give some to any one else he retires into a forest to cook it for himself. Sakka and other gods appear and claim a share of the porridge. The miser is converted by their admonitions, gives away all his money, and becomes an ascetic. He is afterwards called upon to award the prize of virtue to the best of four heavenly nymphs, the daughters of Sakka. He adjudges the prize to Honour, and on his rebirth in the deva world he is rewarded with the hand of this nymph and enjoys immense power.
  • J 536: Kuṇāla-Jātaka. (Kuṇāla jātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 412|J 536|J 536} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 536|atta. J 536} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A king of birds for the instruction of his friend, a royal cuckoo, relates many instances he had known, to illustrate the deceitfulness, ingratitude, and immorality of womenkind.
  • J 537: Mahā-Sutasoma-Jātaka. (Mahāsutasomajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J v 456|J 537|J 537} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 537|atta. J 537} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A king, who had been a yakkha in a former birth, develops a taste for human flesh and has his subjects murdered to supply himself with his favourite food. When his guilt is brought home to him, he refuses to give up his cannibalism and is driven out of his kingdom. He now dwells in a forest and preys upon all travellers that pass that way. At length he captures a king who had been his friend and teacher in early youth, but releases him on the condition that he should return after he has fulfilled a promise that he has made to a brahmin. The king returns into captivity, and the man-eater is so pleased with his good faith that he offers to grant him any four boons that he may ask of him. When asked to give up cannibalism he reluctantly consents and is eventually restored to his kingdom.

Jataka 538 - 547   

Chaṭṭho bhāgo

  • 22. Mahānipāto

  • J 538: Mūga-Pakkha Jātaka. (Mugapakkhajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J vi 001|J 538|J 538} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 538|atta. J 538} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A prince pretends to be dumb and incapable. Various means are taken to try to break through his reserve, but fail for sixteen years. At last, as he is about to be buried, he opens his mouth and discourses on religion to the charioteer. He then becomes an ascetic, and is followed by his father.
  • J 539: Mahājanaka-Jātaka. (Mahājanakajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J vi 028|J 539|J 539} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 539|atta. J 539} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A prince suspected by his brother, without reason, rebels against him and kills him. The king's consort, being with child, flees from the city; her son is brought up without knowledge of his father, but when he learns the truth, goes to sea on a merchant venture. He is wrecked, and a goddess brings him to his father's kingdom, where after answering some difficult questions, he marries the daughter of the usurper. By and by, he becomes an ascetic, and is followed by his wife.
  • J 540: Sāma-Jātaka. (Sāmajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J vi 077|J 540|J 540} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 540|atta. J 540} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A hunter's son marries a hunter's daughter, and both become ascetics. The wife becomes pregnant without human intercourse, and bears a son. The parents are both blinded by a snake, and the son attends upon them. A king, coming out to hunt, sees the lad and shoots him with an arrow; but on learning his dutiful affection he repents, and attends upon the parents himself. The boy is miraculously cured and the parents recover their sight.
  • J 541: Nimi-Jātaka. (Nimijātakaṃ) {Sutta: J vi 094|J 541|J 541} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 541|atta. J 541} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A king, on the appearance of his first grey hair, becomes an ascetic. Sakka explains to him that holy life is better than giving alms. Sakka's charioteer takes him all round the heavens and the hells, and finally brings him to Sakka.
  • J 542: The Khaṇḍahāla-Jātaka. (Khaṇḍahālajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J vi 129|J 542|J 542} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 542|atta. J 542} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A king misled by a false judge decrees that all his family shall be put to death in order that he may go to heaven. After various fluctuations Sakka comes to the rescue and saves them.

Sattamo bhāgo

  • J 543: Bhūridatta-Jātaka. (Bhuridattajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J vi 156|J 543|J 543} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 543|atta. J 543} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: An ascetic is seduced by a Nāga-woman. Afterwards he becomes a king. Scenes in the Nāga country are described. He has four sons, one of whom becomes an ascetic. The feud between the Nāgas and the Garuḷas. A magic spell, and the adventures of the prince in snake form.
  • J 544: ahānāradakassapa-Jātaka. (Mahānāradakassapajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J vi 219|J 544|J 544} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 544|atta. J 544} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A king questions an ascetic as to the various moral duties. He is himself devoted to pleasure, but his daughter is virtuous and tries to deliver him from heretical beliefs, which is finally effected by the help of the Buddha.
  • J 545: Vidhurapaṇḍita-Jātaka. (Vidhurajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J vi 255|J 545|J 545} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 545|atta. J 545} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: Four kings, including Sakka, dispute as to which is the most virtuous and they ask a solution from a wise man who decides that they are all equal. The wife of the Nāga king is so enchanted at what she hears that she desires the wise man's heart. The king promises his daughter's hand to a Yakkha if he will bring the heart. The Yakkha visits the court where the wise man is, defeats the king at dice, and claims the wise man. The wise man asks for three days' delay to exhort his family. The Yakkha tries to kill him, but fails. The wise man asks him what he wants, and he tells him. The wise man then wins over the Yakkha and goes to the Nāga king where no harm comes to him.
  • J 546: The Mahā-Ummagga-Jātaka. (Ummaggajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J vi 329|J 546|J 546} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 546|atta. J 546} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A story of four pretended wise men and one real wise man, of numerous problems which the four failed to solve and the one succeeded, of many attempts of the four to destroy the one and of his final triumph, including wars, battles, sieges, and the description of a wonderful tunnel full of machinery.
  • J 547: Vessantara-Jātaka. (Mahāvessantarajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J vi 478|J 547|J 547} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 547|atta. J 547} [Francis].
    Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: A prince devoted to giving gifts falls into disrepute through giving a magical elephant. He is banished with his family into the forest where he gives away everything he has left, including his two children. Ultimately the children are set free and all ends well.
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