- J 439: Catu-Dvāra-Jātaka. (Catudvārajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 006|J 439|J 439} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 439|atta. J 439} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: About Mittavindaka, and how he was punished for covetousness.
- J 440: Kaṇha-Jātaka. (Kaṇhajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 014|J 440|J 440} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 440|atta. J 440} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: How an ascetic made wise choice of boons offered him by Sakka.
- J 441: Catu-Posathika-Jātaka. (Catuposathikajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 014|J 441|J 441} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 441|atta. J 441} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: See Puṇṇaka-jātaka.
- J 442: Saṅkha-Jātaka. (Saṅkhajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 021|J 442|J 442} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 442|atta. J 442} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: How a gift to a Pacceka Buddha was plenteously rewarded, and of the magic ship.
- J 443: Culla-Bodhi-Jātaka. (Cullabodhijātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 026|J 443|J 443} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 443|atta. J 443} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: How an ascetic was free from all passion, and how he explained to a king the nature of passion.
- J 444: Kaṇhadīpāyana-Jātaka. (Kaṇhadīpāyanajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 036|J 444|J 444} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 444|atta. J 444} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: Of a number of persons who confessed their secret faults, and of the virtue of an Act of Truth.
- J 445: Nigrodha-Jātaka. (Nigrodhajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 043|J 445|J 445} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 445|atta. J 445} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: How a low-born man became king by eating of a cock's flesh, and of the gratitude and ingratitude of friends shown according to their kind.
- J 446: Takkaḷa-Jātaka. (Takkalajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 049|J 446|J 446} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 446|atta. J 446} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: How an ungrateful son planned to murder his old father, but when his own son overhearing showed him an object-lesson of his own ugliness, he was put to shame.
- J 447: Mahā-Dhamma-Pāla-Jātaka. (Mahādhammapālajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 055|J 447|J 447} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 447|atta. J 447} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: How a father refused to believe that his son was dead, because it was not the custom of his family to die young: this was the result of good living through many generations.
- J 448: Kukkuṭa-Jātaka. (Kukkuṭajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 058|J 448|J 448} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 448|atta. J 448} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: How a falcon pretended to make friends with a fowl, but the other was not deceived.
- J 449: Maṭṭa-Kuṇḍali-Jātaka. (Maṭṭakuṇḍalijātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 062|J 449|J 449} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 449|atta. J 449} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: How one who mourned for his son was comforted.
- J 450: Biḷāri-Kosiya-Jātaka. (Khiḷārakosiyajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 067|J 450|J 450} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 450|atta. J 450} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: How a niggard was cured by holy beings who pretended to choke at his food.
- J 451: Cakka-Vāka-Jātaka. (Cakkavātajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 071|J 451|J 451} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 451|atta. J 451} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: Of a crow and two ruddy geese, how they discoursed each of his own food, and what was the cause of their colours.
- J 452: Bhūri-Pañha-Jātaka. (Bhuripaññajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 072|J 452|J 452} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 452|atta. J 452} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: Ummagga-jātaka.
- J 453: Mahā-Maṅgala-Jātaka. (Mahāmaṅgalajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 078|J 453|J 453} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 453|atta. J 453} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: Of the vanity of omens, and how goodness and kindness are omens of the best.
- J 454: Ghata-Jātaka. (Ghatapaṇḍitajātakaṃ) {Sutta: J iv 087|J 454|J 454} {Vaṇṇanā: atta. J 454|atta. J 454} [Rouse].
Occasion: not avaliable in English. Story: How a girl was kept prisoner in a tower that she might wed no one, and how the attempt was defeated, of the magic city which was guarded by an ass, of the wild deeds of the Ten Slave Brethren, who became kings by right of conquest, and finally perished, and how a king was consoled for the loss of his beloved son.