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Mv IX 29
PTS: Mv IX 7.18 | CS: vin.mv.09.29
Appaṭinissagge ukkhepanīyakammavivādakathā
The Discussion of Disputes Over a Suspension Transaction for not Relinquishing (an Evil View)
Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu
Alternate translations/layout: 'line by line' Pāḷi - English

“Monks, there is the case where a monk doesn’t want to relinquish an evil view.

“Now suppose the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk doesn’t want to relinquish an evil view. Let’s impose a suspension transaction on him for not relinquishing an evil view.”

“They, a faction, impose a suspension transaction on him for not relinquishing an evil view that is a non-Dhamma. …

“United … not in accordance with the Dhamma.

“A faction … in accordance with the Dhamma.

“A faction … a semblance of the Dhamma.

“United … a semblance of the Dhamma.

“The Saṅgha there disputes: ‘It’s a factional transaction, not in accordance with the Dhamma; a united transaction, not in accordance with the Dhamma; a semblance-of-Dhamma factional transaction; a semblance-of-Dhamma united transaction; it’s an undone transaction, a poorly done transaction; the transaction should be done again.’

“The monks there who say, ‘It’s a semblance-of-Dhamma, united transaction,’ and those who say, ‘It’s an undone transaction, a poorly done transaction; the transaction should be done again,’ — in this case, these monks are speakers of Dhamma.

These five sections are condensed.

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