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Mv IX 24
PTS: Mv IX 7.17 | CS: vin.mv.09.24
The Discussion of Disputes Over a Demotion Transaction
Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu
Alternate translations/layout: 'line by line' Pāḷi - English

(Mv.IX.7.17) [223] There is the case where a monk is inexperienced and incompetent, indiscriminately full of offenses, living in the company of householders, in unbecoming association with householders.

“Now suppose the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk is inexperienced and incompetent, indiscriminately full of offenses, living in the company of householders, in unbecoming association with householders. Let’s impose a demotion transaction on him.’

“They, a faction, impose a demotion transaction on him, not in accordance with the Dhamma. …

“United … not in accordance with the Dhamma.

“A faction … in accordance with the Dhamma.

“A faction … a semblance of the Dhamma.

“United … a semblance of the Dhamma.

“The Saṅgha there disputes: ‘It’s a factional transaction, not in accordance with the Dhamma; a united transaction, not in accordance with the Dhamma; a semblance-of-Dhamma factional transaction; a semblance-of-Dhamma united transaction; it’s an undone transaction, a poorly done transaction; the transaction should be done again.’

“The monks there who say, ‘It’s a semblance-of-Dhamma, united transaction,’ and those who say, ‘It’s an undone transaction, a poorly done transaction; the transaction should be done again,’ — in this case, these monks are speakers of Dhamma.

These five sections are condensed.

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