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Mv IX 13
PTS: Mv IX 7.9 | CS: vin.mv.09.13
Adassane ukkhepanīyakammakathā
The Discussion of the Suspension Transaction for not Seeing (an Offense)[1]
Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu
Alternate translations/layout: 'line by line' Pāḷi - English

(Mv.IX.7.9) [212] “Monks, there is the case where a monk, having fallen into an offense, refuses to see it.

“Now suppose the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk, having fallen into an offense, refuses to see it. Let’s impose a suspension transaction on him for not seeing an offense.”

“They, a faction, impose a suspension transaction that is not in accordance with the Dhamma on him for not seeing an offense. …

“United … not in accordance with the Dhamma.

“A faction … in accordance with the Dhamma.

“A faction … a semblance of the Dhamma.

“United … a semblance of the Dhamma.

The wheel should be completed.


See also: BMCII Chap. 20: Suspension.
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