[204] idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhaṇḍanakārako hoti kalahakārako vivādakārako bhassakārako saṅghe adhikaraṇakārako. |
“Monks, there is the case where a monk is a maker of strife, quarrels, disputes, dissension, and issues in the Saṅgha. |
tatra ce bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu bhaṇḍanakārako kalahakārako vivādakārako bhassakārako saṅghe adhikaraṇakārako handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“Now suppose[1] the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk is a maker of strife, quarrels, disputes, dissension, and issues in the Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti adhammena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him, not in accordance with the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato adhammena vaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction, not in accordance with the Dhamma, by a Saṅgha — a faction. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti adhammena samaggā. |
“They, united, impose a censure transaction on him, not in accordance with the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato adhammena samaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction, not in accordance with the Dhamma, by a united Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him, in accordance with the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato dhammena vaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction, in accordance with the Dhamma, by a Saṅgha — a faction. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammapaṭirūpakena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him that is a semblance of the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato dhammapaṭirūpakena vaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction that was a semblance of the Dhamma by a Saṅgha — a faction. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammapaṭirūpakena samaggā. |
“They, united, impose a censure transaction on him that is a semblance of the Dhamma. |
(Mv.IX.7.2) [205] idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhaṇḍanakārako hoti kalahakārako vivādakārako bhassakārako saṅghe adhikaraṇakārako. |
“Monks, there is the case where a monk is a maker of strife, quarrels, disputes, dissension, and issues in the Saṅgha. |
tatra ce bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu bhaṇḍanakārako kalahakārako vivādakārako bhassakārako saṅghe adhikaraṇakārako handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“Now suppose the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk is a maker of strife, quarrels, disputes, dissension, and issues in the Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti adhammena samaggā. |
“They, united, impose a censure transaction on him, not in accordance with the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato adhammena samaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction, not in accordance with the Dhamma, by a united Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him, in accordance with the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato dhammena vaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction, in accordance with the Dhamma, by a Saṅgha — a faction. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karoti dhammapaṭirūpakena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him that is a semblance of the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato dhammapaṭirūpakena vaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction that was a semblance of the Dhamma by a Saṅgha — a faction. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammapaṭirūpakena samaggā. |
“They, united, impose a censure transaction on him that is a semblance of the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato dhammapaṭirūpakena samaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction that was a semblance of the Dhamma by a united Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti adhammena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him, not in accordance with the Dhamma. |
(Mv.IX.7.3) [206] idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhaṇḍanakārako hoti kalahakārako vivādakārako bhassakārako saṅghe adhikaraṇakārako. |
“Monks, there is the case where a monk is a maker of strife, quarrels, disputes, dissension, and issues in the Saṅgha. |
tatra ce bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu bhaṇḍanakārako kalahakārako vivādakārako bhassakārako saṅghe adhikaraṇakārako handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“Now suppose the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk is a maker of strife, quarrels, disputes, dissension, and issues in the Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him, in accordance with the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato dhammena vaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction, in accordance with the Dhamma, by a Saṅgha — a faction. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammapaṭirūpakena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him that is a semblance of the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato dhammapaṭirūpakena vaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction that was a semblance of the Dhamma by a Saṅgha — a faction. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammapaṭirūpakena samaggā. |
“They, united, impose a censure transaction on him that is a semblance of the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato dhammapaṭirūpakena samaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction that was a semblance of the Dhamma by a united Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti adhammena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him, not in accordance with the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato adhammena vaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction, not in accordance with the Dhamma, by a Saṅgha — a faction. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti adhammena samaggā. |
“They, united, impose a censure transaction on him, not in accordance with the Dhamma. |
(Mv.IX.7.4) [207] idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhaṇḍanakārako hoti kalahakārako vivādakārako bhassakārako saṅghe adhikaraṇakārako. |
“Monks, there is the case where a monk is a maker of strife, quarrels, disputes, dissension, and issues in the Saṅgha. |
tatra ce bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu bhaṇḍanakārako kalahakārako vivādakārako bhassakārako saṅghe adhikaraṇakārako handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“Now suppose the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk is a maker of strife, quarrels, disputes, dissension, and issues in the Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammapaṭirūpakena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him that is a semblance of the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato dhammapaṭirūpakena vaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction that was a semblance of the Dhamma by a Saṅgha — a faction. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammapaṭirūpakena samaggā. |
“They, united, impose a censure transaction on him that is a semblance of the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato dhammapaṭirūpakena samaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction that was a semblance of the Dhamma by a united Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti adhammena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him, not in accordance with the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato adhammena vaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction, not in accordance with the Dhamma, by a Saṅgha — a faction. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti adhammena samaggā. |
“They, united, impose a censure transaction on him, not in accordance with the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato adhammena samaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction, not in accordance with the Dhamma, by a united Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him, in accordance with the Dhamma. |
(Mv.IX.7.5) [208] idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhaṇḍanakārako hoti kalahakārako vivādakārako bhassakārako saṅghe adhikaraṇakārako. |
“Monks, there is the case where a monk is a maker of strife, quarrels, disputes, dissension, and issues in the Saṅgha. |
tatra ce bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu bhaṇḍanakārako kalahakārako vivādakārako bhassakārako saṅghe adhikaraṇakārako handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“Now suppose the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk is a maker of strife, quarrels, disputes, dissension, and issues in the Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammapaṭirūpakena samaggā. |
“They, united, impose a censure transaction on him that is a semblance of the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato dhammapaṭirūpakena samaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction that was a semblance of the Dhamma by a united Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti adhammena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him, not in accordance with the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato adhammena vaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction, not in accordance with the Dhamma, by a Saṅgha — a faction. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti adhammena samaggā. |
“They, united, impose a censure transaction on him, not in accordance with the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato adhammena samaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction, not in accordance with the Dhamma, by a united Saṅgha. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him, in accordance with the Dhamma. |
so tamhā āvāsā aññaṁpi āvāsaṁ gacchati. |
“He goes from that residence to another residence. |
tatthapi bhikkhūnaṁ evaṁ hoti ayaṁ kho āvuso bhikkhu saṅghena tajjanīyakammakato dhammena vaggehi handassa mayaṁ tajjanīyakammaṁ karomāti. |
“There, too, the thought occurs to the monks, ‘Friends, this monk has been given a censure transaction, in accordance with the Dhamma, by a Saṅgha — a faction. Let’s impose a censure transaction on him.’ |
te tassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karonti dhammapaṭirūpakena vaggā. |
“They, a faction, impose a censure transaction on him that is a semblance of the Dhamma. |