[141] tena kho pana samayena manussā cīvaraṁ ādāya ārāmaṁ āgacchanti. |
Now on that occasion people, taking robe-cloth, came to the monastery. |
Te paṭiggāhakaṁ alabhamānā paṭiharanti. |
Not finding anyone to receive it, they took it back. |
Cīvaraṁ Parittaṁ uppajjati. |
Robe-cloth became scarce. |
Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ. |
They reported the matter to the Blessed One. |
Anujānāmi bhikkhave pañcahaṅgehi samannāgataṁ bhikkhuṁ cīvarapaṭiggāhakaṁ sammannituṁ yo na chandāgatiṁ gaccheyya na dosāgatiṁ gaccheyya na mohāgatiṁ gaccheyya na bhayāgatiṁ gaccheyya gahitāgahitañca jāneyya. |
“Monks, I allow that a monk endowed with five qualities be authorized as a robe-cloth receiver: whoever is not biased with the bias of desire, not biased with the bias of aversion, not biased with the bias of delusion, not biased with the bias of fear, and who knows what has and has not been received. |
(Mv.VIII.5.2) Evañca pana bhikkhave sammannitabbo. |
“Monks, he should be authorized like this: |
Paṭhamaṁ bhikkhu yācitabbo yācitvā byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo |
“First, the monk should be requested. Once he has been requested, an experienced and competent monk should inform the Saṅgha: |
suṇātu me bhante saṅgho yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ saṅgho itthannāmaṁ bhikkhuṁ cīvarapaṭiggāhakaṁ sammanneyya. |
“‘Venerable sirs, may the Saṅgha listen to me. If the Saṅgha is ready, it should authorize the monk named so-and-so as robe-cloth receiver. |
Esā ñatti. |
“‘This is the motion. |
Suṇātu me bhante saṅgho saṅgho itthannāmaṁ bhikkhuṁ cīvarapaṭiggāhakaṁ sammannati. |
“‘Venerable sirs, may the Saṅgha listen to me. The Saṅgha is authorizing monk named so-and-so as robe-cloth receiver. |
Yassāyasmato khamati itthannāmassa bhikkhuno cīvarapaṭiggāhakassa sammati so tuṇhassa yassa nakkhamati so bhāseyya. |
“‘He to whom the authorization of the monk named so-and-so as robe-cloth receiver is agreeable should remain silent. He to whom it is not agreeable should speak. |
Sammato saṅghena itthannāmo bhikkhu cīvarapaṭiggāhako. |
“‘The monk named so-and-so has been authorized by the Saṅgha as robe-cloth receiver. |
Khamati saṅghassa tasmā tuṇhī. |
“‘This is agreeable to the Saṅgha, therefore it is silent. |
Evametaṁ dhārayāmīti. |
“‘Thus do I hold it.’” |
(Mv.VIII.6.1) [142] tena kho pana samayena cīvarapaṭiggāhakā bhikkhū cīvaraṁ paṭiggahetvā tattheva ujjhitvā pakkamanti. |
Now on that occasion the monks who were robe-cloth receivers, having received robe-cloth, left it right there and went away. |
Cīvaraṁ nassati. |
The robe-cloth disappeared. |
Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ. |
They reported the matter to the Blessed One. |
Anujānāmi bhikkhave pañcahaṅgehi samannāgataṁ bhikkhuṁ cīvaranidāhakaṁ sammannituṁ yo na chandāgatiṁ gaccheyya na dosāgatiṁ gaccheyya na mohāgatiṁ gaccheyya na bhayāgatiṁ gaccheyya nidahitānidahitañca jāneyya. |
“Monks, I allow that a monk endowed with five qualities be authorized as a robe-cloth keeper: whoever is not biased with the bias of desire, not biased with the bias of aversion, not biased with the bias of delusion, not biased with the bias of fear, and who knows what has and has not been put away. |
(Mv.VIII.6.2) Evañca pana bhikkhave sammannitabbo. |
“Monks, he should be authorized like this: |
Paṭhamaṁ bhikkhu yācitabbo yācitvā Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo |
“First, the monk should be requested. Once he has been requested, an experienced and competent monk should inform the Saṅgha: |
suṇātu me bhante saṅgho yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ saṅgho itthannāmaṁ bhikkhuṁ cīvaranidāhakaṁ sammanneyya. |
“‘Venerable sirs, may the Saṅgha listen to me. If the Saṅgha is ready, it should authorize the monk named so-and-so as robe-cloth keeper. |
Esā ñatti. |
“‘This is the motion. |
Suṇātu me bhante saṅgho saṅgho itthannāmaṁ bhikkhuṁ cīvaranidāhakaṁ sammannati. |
“‘Venerable sirs, may the Saṅgha listen to me. The Saṅgha is authorizing the monk named so-and-so as robe-cloth keeper. |
Yassāyasmato khamati itthannāmassa bhikkhuno cīvaranidāhakassa sammati so tuṇhassa yassa nakkhamati so bhāseyya. |
“‘He to whom the authorization of the monk named so-and-so as robe-cloth keeper is agreeable should remain silent. He to whom it is not agreeable should speak. |
Sammato saṅghena itthannāmo bhikkhu cīvaranidāhako. |
“‘The monk named so-and-so has been authorized by the Saṅgha as robe-cloth keeper. |
Khamati saṅghassa tasmā tuṇhī. |
“‘This is agreeable to the Saṅgha, therefore it is silent. |
Evametaṁ dhārayāmīti. |
“‘Thus do I hold it.’” |