(Mv.II.12.7)[164] “Monks, when a territory has not been authorized, not set aside, the village-territory or town-territory of the village or town on which one depends is (the territory for) common affiliation and a single Uposatha there.
“In a non-village, in a wilderness, seven abbhantaras[2] all around is the (territory for) common affiliation and a single Uposatha there.
“Monks, an entire river is not a territory. An entire ocean is not a territory. An entire natural lake is not a territory.
“In a river, ocean, or natural lake, (the area) a man of average size can splash water all around is the (territory for) common affiliation and a single Uposatha there.”
(Mv.II.13.1) [165] Now at that time the Group-of-six monks mixed one territory with another.
They reported the matter to the Blessed One.
“The transaction of whichever territory was first authorized is Dhamma, irreversible, fit to stand.
“The transaction of whichever territory was authorized afterwards is non-Dhamma, reversible, not fit to stand.
“Monks, a territory should not be mixed with (another) territory. Whoever should do so: an offense of wrong doing.”
(Mv.II.13.2) Now at that time the Group-of-six monks subsumed one territory in another.
They reported the matter to the Blessed One.
“The transaction of whichever territory was first authorized is Dhamma, irreversible, fit to stand.
“The transaction of whichever territory was authorized afterwards is non-Dhamma, reversible, not fit to stand.
“Monks, a territory should not subsume (another) territory. Whoever should do so: an offense of wrong doing. I allow, when a territory is being authorized, that it be authorized having set aside a buffer zone.”[3]