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Mv II 06
PTS: Mv II 9 | CS: vin.mv.02.06
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The Discussion of the Allowance for the Area in Front of the Uposatha (Hall)
Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu
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73. uposathappamukhānujānanā (Mv.II.9.1)
The Discussion of the Allowance for the Area in Front of the Uposatha (Hall) [BMC]

[159] tena kho pana samayena aññatarasmiṁ āvāse atikhuddakaṁ uposathāgāraṁ sammataṁ hoti.

Now at that time in a certain residence, an excessively small Uposatha hall had been authorized.

tadahuposathe mahābhikkhusaṅgho sannipatito hoti.

On the day of the Uposatha a large saṅgha of monks gathered.

bhikkhū asammatāya bhūmiyā nisinnā pātimokkhaṁ assosuṁ.

Monks heard the Pāṭimokkha while sitting on unauthorized ground.

athakho tesaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ etadahosi bhagavatā paññattaṁ uposathāgāraṁ sammannitvā uposatho kātabboti mayañcamha asammatāya bhūmiyā nisinnā pātimokkhaṁ assumhā

Then the thought occurred to them, “It has been laid down by the Blessed One that the Uposatha be done after having authorized an Uposatha hall. But we heard the Pāṭimokkha while sitting on unauthorized ground.

kato nu kho amhākaṁ uposatho akato nu khoti.

“Has our Uposatha been done or not?”

bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.

They reported the matter to the Blessed One.

sammatāya vā bhikkhave bhūmiyā nisinno asammatāya vā yato pātimokkhaṁ suṇāti kato vassa uposatho

“Monks, when sitting in a place, regardless of whether it has been authorized, where one hears the Pāṭimokkha, one’s Uposatha has been done.”

(Mv.II.9.2) tenahi bhikkhave saṅgho yāvamahantaṁ uposathamukhaṁ ākaṅkhati tāvamahantaṁ uposathamukhaṁ sammannatu.

“In this case, monks, let the Saṅgha authorize an area in front of the Uposatha (hall) of whatever size it desires.

evañca pana bhikkhave sammannitabbaṁ.

“And, monks, It should be authorized like this:

paṭhamaṁ nimittā kittetabbā nimitte kittetvā byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo

“First, boundary markers should be determined. When the boundary markers have been determined, an experienced and competent monk should inform the Saṅgha:

suṇātu me bhante saṅgho yāvatā samantā nimittā kittitā yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ saṅgho etehi nimittehi uposathamukhaṁ sammanneyya.

“‘Venerable sirs, may the Saṅgha listen to me. If the Saṅgha is ready, then — as far as those markers that have been determined all around — it should authorize within those markers an area in front of the Uposatha (hall).

esā ñatti.

“‘This is the motion.

suṇātu me bhante saṅgho yāvatā samantā nimittā kittitā saṅgho etehi nimittehi uposathamukhaṁ sammannati.

“‘Venerable sirs, may the Saṅgha listen to me. As far as those markers that have been determined all around, the Saṅgha is authorizing within those markers an area in front of the Uposatha (hall).

yassāyasmato khamati etehi nimittehi uposathamukhassa sammati so tuṇhassa yassa nakkhamati so bhāseyya.

“‘He to whom the authorization of an area in front of the Uposatha (hall) within those markers is agreeable should remain silent. He to whom it is not agreeable should speak.

sammataṁ saṅghena etehi nimittehi uposathamukhaṁ.

“‘The area in front of the Uposatha (hall) within those markers has been authorized by the Saṅgha.

khamati saṅghassa tasmā tuṇhī.

“‘This is agreeable to the Saṅgha, therefore it is silent.

evametaṁ dhārayāmīti.

“‘Thus do I hold it.’”

(Mv.II.10.1) [160] tena kho pana samayena aññatarasmiṁ āvāse tadahuposathe navakā bhikkhū paṭhamataraṁ sannipatitvā na tāva therā āgacchantīti pakkamiṁsu.

Now on that occasion, in a certain monastery on the day of the Uposatha, new monks, having assembled first, (thinking,) “As long as the senior monks aren’t coming ...” left.

uposatho vikālo ahosi.

The Uposatha was delayed.

bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.

They reported the matter to the Blessed One.

anujānāmi bhikkhave tadahuposathe therehi bhikkhūhi paṭhamataraṁ sannipatitunti

“Monks, I allow that, on the Uposatha day, the senior monks gather first.”

therehi bhikkhūhi paṭhamataraṁ sannipatitunti ettha sace mahāthero paṭhamataraṁ na āgacchati, dukkaṭaṁ.

“The more senior monks gather first.” In this case, if the elders don’t come first, an (offense of) wrong-doing.

(Mv.II.11.1) [161] tena kho pana samayena rājagahe sambahulā āvāsā samānasīmā honti.

Now at that time in Rājagaha, several residences had a common territory.

tattha bhikkhū vivadanti amhākaṁ āvāse uposatho kariyatu amhākaṁ āvāse uposatho kariyatūti.

The monks there quarreled, “May the Uposatha be done at our residence!” “May the Uposatha be done at our residence!”

bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.

They reported the matter to the Blessed One.

idha pana bhikkhave sambahulā āvāsā samānasīmā honti

“Monks, there is the case where several residences have a common territory.

tattha bhikkhū vivadanti amhākaṁ āvāse uposatho kariyatu amhākaṁ āvāse uposatho kariyatūti

“The monks there quarrel, “May the Uposatha be done at our residence! May the Uposatha be done at our residence!”

tehi bhikkhave bhikkhūhi sabbeheva ekajjhaṁ sannipatitvā uposatho kātabbo

“All the monks should gather in a single place and hold the Uposatha.

yattha vā pana thero bhikkhu viharati tattha sannipatitvā uposatho kātabbo

“Or, having gathered where the most senior monk is staying, they should hold the Uposatha there. [BMC]

na tveva vaggena saṅghena uposatho kātabbo yo kareyya āpatti dukkaṭassāti.

“But the Uposatha should not be held by a faction of the Saṅgha. Whoever should do so: an offense of wrong doing.”

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