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Mv I 47
PTS: Mv I 61 | CS: vin.mv.01.47
The Case of the Paṇḍakas[1]
Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu
Alternate translations/layout: 'line by line' Pāḷi - English

(Mv.I.61.1) [125] Now on that occasion, a certain paṇḍaka had gone forth among the monks. Going up to the young monks, he said to them, “Come, venerable sirs, commit sodomy with me.”

The monks chased him away, “Go away, paṇḍaka! Get lost, paṇḍaka! Who wants you?”

Having been chased away by the monks, he went to the larger, heftier novices and said to them, “Come, venerable sirs, commit sodomy with me.”

The novices chased him away, “Go away, paṇḍaka! Get lost, paṇḍaka! Who wants you?”

Having been chased away by the monks, he went to the elephant-trainers and horse-trainers and said to them, “Come, friends, commit sodomy with me.”

The elephant-trainers and horse-trainers committed sodomy with him.

(Mv.I.61.2) They criticized and complained and spread it about,

“These Sakyan-son monks are paṇḍakas. And those among them who are not paṇḍakas commit sodomy with paṇḍakas. So all of them are uncelibate.”

The monks heard the elephant-trainers and horse-trainers criticizing and complaining and spreading it about.

Then the monks reported the matter to the Blessed One.

“Monks, a paṇḍaka, if unaccepted, is not to be given Acceptance. If accepted, he is to be expelled.”

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