(Mv.I.47.1) [109] Now at that time a certain slave ran away and went forth among the monks. His masters, on seeing him, said, “That’s our slave. Let’s take him away.”
Some said, “Don’t say that, masters. It has been allowed by King Seniya Bimbisāra of Magadha that for one gone forth among the Sakyan-son contemplatives, nobody can do anything to him, (as he thinks,) ‘The Dhamma is well-expounded. May they live the holy life for the right ending of stress.’”
People criticized and complained and spread it about,
“These Sakyan-son contemplatives are unrestrained by fear[1] — nobody can do anything to them.
“How can they give the Going-forth to a slave?”
They reported the matter to the Blessed One.
“Monks, a slave should not be given the Going-forth. Whoever should give it: an offense of wrong doing.”