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2014 Calendar of Uposatha Days
2556-2557 BE
compiled by
Zugang zur Einsicht
Shared by: Wat Metta (Californien, US.)
Edited by Samanera Johann
Alternative Calender: not avaliable yet

Here are this year's dates of Uposatha days as observed in Thai Buddhism (Dhammayut and Mahānikai sects). This calendar follows the Dhammayut calculation—which, for the days marked with an asterisk, is one day later than the Mahānikai. [1]

Even many requests, no Data are avaliable for the year 2014.

  Last quarter moon

last quarter

New moon

new moon

First quarter moon

first quarter

Full moon

full moon

Last quarter moon

last quarter

January ? ? ? ? -
February ? ? ? ?
Māgha Pūjā
March ? ? ? ? -
April ? ? ? ? -
May ? ? ? ?
Visākha Pūjā
June ? ? ? ? -
July ? ? ? ?
Āsaḷha Pūjā
August - ? ? ? ?
September - ? ? ? ?
October - ? ? 19
Pavāraṇā Day
November - ? ? 17
Ānāpānasati Day
December - ? ? ? ?


Dates provided by Metta Forest Monastery.

For an astronomical calendar of lunar phases, see Calendar-365.com.