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Mv VIII 30
PTS: Mv VIII 31 | CS: vin.mv.08.30
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The Discussion of Wrongly and Rightly Taken (Robes), etc.
Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu
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231. duggahitasuggahitādikathā (Mv.VIII.31.1)

The Discussion of Wrongly and Rightly Taken (Robes), etc. [BMC]

[171] tena kho pana samayena āyasmā revato aññatarassa bhikkhuno hatthe āyasmato sārīputtassa cīvaraṁ pāhesi imaṁ cīvaraṁ therassa dehīti.

Then on that occasion Ven. Revata sent a robe-cloth in a certain monk’s hand to Ven. Sāriputta, (saying,) “Give this robe-cloth to the elder.”

athakho so bhikkhu antarāmagge āyasmato revatassa vissāsā taṁ cīvaraṁ aggahesi.

Then, while on the road, the monk took the robe-cloth on trust in Ven. Revata.

athakho āyasmā revato āyasmatā sārīputtena samāgantvā pucchi ahaṁ bhante therassa cīvaraṁ pāhesiṁ sampattaṁ taṁ cīvaranti.

Then Ven. Revata, meeting Ven. Sāriputta, asked him, “Venerable sir, I sent the elder a robe-cloth. Did you get it?”

Nāhantaṁ āvuso cīvaraṁ passāmīti.

“Friend, I didn’t see that robe-cloth.”

athakho āyasmā revato taṁ bhikkhuṁ etadavoca ahaṁ Āvuso āyasmato hatthe therassa cīvaraṁ pāhesiṁ kahantaṁ cīvaranti.

Then Ven. Revata said to the monk, “Friend, I sent a robe in the venerable one’s (your) hand to the elder. Where is it?”

Ahaṁ bhante āyasmato vissāsā taṁ cīvaraṁ aggahesinti.

“Venerable sir, I took the robe-cloth on trust in the venerable one (you).”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.

They reported the matter to the Blessed One.

(Mv.VIII.31.2) idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dehīti.

“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘Give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’

so antarāmagge yo pahiṇati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti suggahitaṁ.

“If, while on the road, he takes it on trust in the one who sent it, it is rightly taken.

Yassa pahīyati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti duggahitaṁ.

“If he takes it on trust in the one for whom it was sent, it is wrongly taken.

idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dehīti.

“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘Give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’

so antarāmagge yassa pahīyati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti duggahitaṁ.

“If, while on the road, he takes it on trust in the one for whom it was sent, it is wrongly taken.

yo pahiṇati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti suggahitaṁ.

“If he takes it on trust in the one who sent it, it is rightly taken.[1]

idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dehīti.

“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of (another) monk, (saying,) ‘Give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’

so antarāmagge suṇāti yo pahiṇati so kālakatoti

“Along the way, he hears that he who sent it has died.

tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti svadhiṭṭhitaṁ.

“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one who sent it, it is rightly determined.

Yassa pahīyati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti duggahitaṁ.

“If he takes it on trust in the one for whom it was sent, it is wrongly taken.

idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dehīti.

“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘Give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’

so antarāmagge suṇāti yassa pahīyati so kālakatoti

“Along the way, he hears that the one for whom it was sent has died.

tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti dvadhiṭṭhitaṁ.

“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one for whom it was sent, it is wrongly determined.

yo pahiṇati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti suggahitaṁ.

“If he takes it on trust in the one who sent it, it is rightly taken.

idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dehīti.

“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘Give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’

so antarāmagge suṇāti ubho kālakatāti

“Along the way, he hears that both have died.

yo pahiṇati tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti svadhiṭṭhitaṁ.

“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one who sent it, it is rightly determined.

Yassa Pahīyati tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti dvadhiṭṭhitaṁ.

“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one for whom it was sent, it is wrongly determined.

(Mv.VIII.31.3) idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dammīti.

“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘I give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’

so antarāmagge yo pahiṇati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti duggahitaṁ.

“If, while on the road, he takes it on trust in the one who sent it, it is wrongly taken.

Yassa pahīyati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti suggahitaṁ.

“If he takes it on trust in the one for whom it was sent, it is rightly taken.

idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dammīti.

“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘I give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’

so antarāmagge yassa pahīyati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti suggahitaṁ.

“If, while on the road, he takes it on trust in the one for whom it was sent, it is rightly taken.

yo pahiṇati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti duggahitaṁ.

“If, he takes it on trust in the one who sent it, it is wrongly taken.

idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dammīti.

“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘I give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’

so antarāmagge suṇāti yo pahiṇati so kālakatoti

“Along the way, he hears that he who sent it has died.

tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti dvadhiṭṭhitaṁ.

“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one who sent it, it is wrongly determined.

Yassa pahīyati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti suggahitaṁ.

“If he takes it on trust in the one for whom it was sent, it is rightly taken.

idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dammīti.

“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘I give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’

so antarāmagge suṇāti yassa pahīyati so kālakatoti

“Along the way, he hears that the one for whom it was sent has died.

tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti svadhiṭṭhitaṁ.

“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one for whom it was sent, it is rightly determined.

yo pahiṇati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti duggahitaṁ.

“If he takes it on trust in the one who sent it, it is wrongly taken.

idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dammīti.

“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘I give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’

so antarāmagge suṇāti ubho kālakatāti

“Along the way, he hears that both have died.

yo pahiṇati tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti dvadhiṭṭhitaṁ.

“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one who sent it, it is wrongly determined.

Yassa pahīyati tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti svadhiṭṭhitaṁ.

“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one for whom it was sent, it is rightly determined.”


The above two cases are identical: The phrase “while on the road,” applies to both statements in both cases. The only difference is that the order of the sentences is reversed. This may be for the purpose of matching the pattern of the following cases, to make it easier to memorize, or more enjoyable to chant.
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