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Mv II 36
PTS: Mv II 35 | CS: vin.mv.02.36
The List of (Cases in which One) Should not Go[1]
Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu
Alternate translations/layout: 'line by line' Pāḷi - English

(Mv.II.35.1) [200] “Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, one should not go from a residence with monks to a residence without monks unless going with a Saṅgha, unless there are obstructions.[2]

“Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, one should not go from a residence with monks to a non-residence without monks unless going with a Saṅgha, unless there are obstructions.

“Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, one should not go from a residence with monks to a residence or non-residence without monks unless going with a Saṅgha, unless there are obstructions.

(Mv.II.35.2) “Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, (one should not go) from a non-residence with monks to residence without monks …

“to a non-residence without monks …

“to a residence or non-residence without monks unless going with a Saṅgha, unless there are obstructions.

(Mv.II.35.3) “Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, (one should not go) from a residence or non-residence with monks to a residence without monks …

“to a non-residence without monks …

“to a residence or non-residence without monks unless going with a Saṅgha, unless there are obstructions.

(Mv.II.35.4) “Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, one should not go from a residence with monks to a residence with monks, where the monks are of a separate affiliation, unless going with a Saṅgha, unless there are obstructions.

“Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, one should not go from a residence with monks to a non-residence with monks, where the monks are of a separate affiliation, unless going with a Saṅgha, unless there are obstructions.

“Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, one should not go from a residence with monks to a residence or non-residence with monks, where the monks are of a separate affiliation, unless going with a Saṅgha, unless there are obstructions.

“Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, (one should not go) from a non-residence with monks to residence with monks …

“to a non-residence with monks …

“to a residence or non-residence with monks, where the monks are of a separate affiliation, unless going with a Saṅgha, unless there are obstructions.

“Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, (one should not go) from a residence or non-residence with monks to residence with monks …

“to a non-residence with monks …

“to a residence or non-residence with monks, where the monks are of a separate affiliation, unless going with a Saṅgha, unless there are obstructions.


See also: BMCII Chap. 15: Traveling, 137. Na gantabbavāro (Mv.IV.13.1)
BMCII Chap. 15: Traveling;
Commentary: sabhikkhukā āvāsāti yasmiṁ āvāse uposathakārakā bhikkhū atthi, tamhā āvāsā yaṁ na sakkoti tadaheva āgantuṁ, so āvāso uposathaṁ akatvā na gantabbo.
“A residence with monks”: In whatever residence there are monks able to perform the Uposatha, one should not go, without having performed the Uposatha, from that residence to where one can’t return within the day.

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