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Mv I 65
PTS: Mv I 78 | CS: vin.mv.01.65
Cattāri akaraṇīyāni
'Line by Line'
The Four Things Never to be Done
Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu
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65. cattāri akaraṇīyāni (Mv.I.78.1)
The Four Things Never to be Done [BMC]

[144] tena kho pana samayena bhikkhū aññataraṁ bhikkhuṁ upasampādetvā ekakaṁ ohāya pakkamiṁsu.

Now on that occasion monks, having given a certain monk the Going-forth, went off and left him alone.

So pacchā ekako va āgacchanto antarāmagge purāṇadutiyikāya samāgacchi.

Coming after them alone, he met his former wife along the road.

Sā evamāha kindāni pabbajitosīti.

She said to him, “Are you gone-forth now?”

Āma pabbajitomhīti.

“Yes, I am gone-forth.”

Dullabho kho pabbajitānaṁ methuno dhammo ehi methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevāti.

“It’s hard for those gone forth to get sexual intercourse. Come, let’s engage in sexual intercourse.”

So tassā methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevitvā pacchā cirena agamāsi.

Having engaged in sexual intercourse, he arrived a long time after them.

bhikkhū evamāhaṁsu kissa tvaṁ āvuso evaṁ ciraṁ akāsīti.

The monks said to him, “Friend, what were you doing for so long?”

(Mv.I.78.2) athakho so bhikkhūnaṁ etamatthaṁ ārocesi.

So he reported the matter to the monks.

bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ Ārocesuṁ.

The monks reported the matter to the Blessed One.

athakho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi

Then the Blessed One, having given a Dhamma talk with regard to this cause, to this incident, addressed the monks:

anujānāmi bhikkhave upasampādetvā dutiyaṁ dātuṁ cattāri ca akaraṇīyāni ācikkhituṁ

“I allow that when one has been given Acceptance he be given a companion and that the four things never-to-be-done be told to him:

upasampannena bhikkhunā methuno dhammo na paṭisevitabbo antamaso tiracchānagatāyapi.

“‘When a monk has received Acceptance he should not engage in sexual intercourse, even with an animal.

Yo bhikkhu methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevati assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.

“‘Any monk who engages in sexual intercourse is not a contemplative, not one of the sons of the Sakyan. [Pr 1]

Seyyathāpi nāma puriso sīsacchinno abhabbo tena sarīrabandhanena jīvituṁ evameva bhikkhu methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevitvā assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.

“‘Just as a person with his head cut off could not live with it fastened back on his body, in the same way, a monk who has engaged in sexual intercourse is not a contemplative, not one of the sons of the Sakyan.

Tante yāvajīvaṁ akaraṇīyaṁ.

“‘You are not to do this for the rest of your life.

(Mv.I.78.3) Upasampannena bhikkhunā adinnaṁ theyyasaṅkhātaṁ na ādātabbaṁ antamaso tiṇasalākaṁ upādāya.

“‘When a monk has received Acceptance he should not, in what is reckoned a theft, take what has not been given, even if only a blade of grass.

Yo bhikkhu pādaṁ vā pādārahaṁ vā atirekapādaṁ vā adinnaṁ theyyasaṅkhātaṁ ādiyati assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.

“‘Any monk who, in what is reckoned a theft, takes what has not been given — worth either one Pāda, the equivalent of one Pāda, or more — is not a contemplative, not one of the sons of the Sakyan. [Pr 2]

Seyyathāpi nāma paṇḍupalāso bandhanā pamutto abhabbo haritattāya evameva bhikkhu pādaṁ vā pādārahaṁ vā atirekapādaṁ vā adinnaṁ theyyasaṅkhātaṁ ādiyitvā assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.

“‘Just as a withered leaf removed from its stem can never become green again, in the same way, a monk who, in what is reckoned a theft, takes what has not been given — worth either one Pāda, the equivalent of one Pāda, or more — is not a contemplative, not one of the sons of the Sakyan.

Tante yāvajīvaṁ akaraṇīyaṁ.

“‘You are not to do this for the rest of your life.

(Mv.I.78.4) Upasampannena bhikkhunā sañcicca pāṇo jīvitā na voropetabbo antamaso kunthakipillikaṁ upādāya.

“‘When a monk has received Acceptance he should not deprive a living being of life, even if it is only a black or white ant. [Pc 61]

Yo bhikkhu sañcicca manussaviggahaṁ jīvitā voropeti antamaso gabbhapātanaṁ upādāya assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.

“‘Any monk who intentionally deprives a human being of life, even to the extent of causing an abortion, is not a contemplative, not one of the sons of the Sakyan. [Pr 3]

Seyyathāpi nāma puthusilā dvedhā bhinnā appaṭisandhikā hoti evameva bhikkhu sañcicca manussaviggahaṁ jīvitā voropetvā assamaṇo hoti Asakyaputtiyo.

“‘Just as a block of stone split in half cannot be joined together again, in the same way, a monk who has intentionally deprived a human being of life is not a contemplative, not one of the sons of the Sakyan.

Tante yāvajīvaṁ akaraṇīyaṁ.

“‘You are not to do this for the rest of your life.

(Mv.I.78.5) Upasampannena bhikkhunā uttarimanussadhammo na ullapitabbo antamaso suññāgāre abhiramāmīti.

“‘When a monk has received Acceptance he should not claim a superior human state, even to the extent of (saying,) “I delight in an empty dwelling.”

Yo bhikkhu pāpiccho icchāpakato asantaṁ abhūtaṁ uttarimanussadhammaṁ ullapati jhānaṁ vā vimokkhaṁ vā samādhiṁ vā samāpattiṁ vā maggaṁ vā phalaṁ vā assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.

“‘Any monk who, with evil desires, overwhelmed with greed, claims a superior human state that is unfactual and non-existent in himself — absorption, freedom, concentration, attainment, path, or fruition — is not a contemplative, not one of the sons of the Sakyan. [Pr 4]

Seyyathāpi nāma tālo matthakacchinno abhabbo puna viruḷhiyā evameva bhikkhu pāpiccho icchāpakato asantaṁ abhūtaṁ uttarimanussadhammaṁ ullapitvā assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.

“‘Just as a palmyra palm cut off at the crown is incapable of further growth, in the same way, a monk with evil desires, overwhelmed with greed, who has laid claim to a superior human state that is unfactual and non-existent in himself is not a contemplative, not one of the sons of the Sakyan.

Tante yāvajīvaṁ akaraṇīyanti.

“‘You are not to do this for the rest of your life.’”

Cattāri akaraṇīyāni niṭṭhitāni.

The (section on) The Four Things Never to be Done is finished.

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